Sunday, August 18, 2024

Pagpili ng Bigas and Coming Out

I’m so happy to share a new acquisition: this still life by Ray Gomez. 

I’ve been looking for a hyper-realistic still life but featuring food or food items for a long time. I wanted this to adorn the living/dining of the halfway home (Manda condo). For a while, I was looking for seafood or fish as subject, even galunggong or tinapa. I even took this pic. And I wanted to commission an artist to render this. 

Art pieces featuring Still life not very common lately. So I have been on the lookout for years now. And finally, a trip to a gallery in EDSA Shangrila yielded this beauty by Ray Gomez. And the subject - bigas (rice grains) in a bilao strikes a chord on my heart strings.

I was a freshman in UP when a series of events led to my coming out to my mom. It was a particularly hot Saturday afternoon. And she was in the kitchen, in front of a bilao of bigas such as this, cleaning the grains of tiny stones and black grains as she talked to me. She calmly asked me about my friends, whether they were … 

“…gay, Nanay, yes they are… we are all gay.” I finished the sentence for her. 

Pause. Deep breath. “Are you okay with it? Do you want to seek counseling?” She asked.

“No need for that, Nanay. Not anymore. I would have wanted that before. But I am ok now. I am relieved that you already know.”

The conversation went on about how she accepts me and loves me, no matter what I am. And how she still wants me to have a relationship with Jesus.

I look at this piece and I am taken back to that time, a time when I felt how lovingly Nanay accepted me, her gay first son. The humble task of “Pagpipili ng bigas” will always be special to me.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Answered Prayers

After Typhoon Carina, I’m off to the beach house. Not that I need the break due to work stress. Actually, work has been light ever since the announcement of the new role in the company. I truly believe this unexpected turn of events is Divine Providence at work. I have been conversing with God about my struggles with my previous role. I have been praying for strength to bear it for the next years, until my retirement.

The stress of my work then came from so many sources. The politics. The many foundational, organizational changes underway. The ongoing challenges of running those business and chasing targets. The bureaucracies that are in place. The inherent late-night wining and dining requirements. 

My new role is like an answer to most of those  mentioned above. And now that I’m in transition, I am at my lightest load level. But this will soon change, perhaps at end of Q3, I will feel the intense pressure of the new role. Nevertheless, I won’t be subjected to the stress of the politics and dynamics of the previous role. 

For the past two weeks, I have been able to hit my 7-hour sleep goal every night! I have been regularly working out AND have been able to stick to a calorie-restricted meal plan. I am getting back my sense of control of my health and my life. 

Baby steps, CC.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

To Embrace or To Fight

 I’m in my worst body shape. I can no longer hide this protruding belly, this muffin-top. And everybody is noticing. “CC, what happened? *points at the belly You used to be so slim and fit! Did you stop working out?”

What happened? My new role happened. A stressful new role with uneven working hours, lots of m-eatings and client dine-outs. Late worknights. Performance pressure. Office politics. And more stress-eating! The joy of biting into complex carbohydrates (cakes, pastries and chocolate!). 

What happened? I lost the will to control my diet and to work out regularly, no matter what. Is it a function of age? Or is this lack of discipline some late-life character flaw?

Thank heavens for c3, for being the supportive shoulder to cry on, that listening ear. And I bet he feels helpless as I rant.

I hate seeing full body pics of myself. Hell, even my face has bloated! This self-loathing also is reason I have not cut my hair. I’m just letting it grow wavy and wild, with all the grey hair. I just don’t feel like going back to short, clean-cut style which will emphasize my HUGE face. So I hate how I look even more. 

Is this the start of dysmorphia depression? This feeling that I don’t want to work. I just want to lie down this Wednesday morning. 

As I ascribe all these to my current role, at the back of my mind, I tell myself that once I retire (in less than 2yrs), I will be able to take back control.

But am I being realistic thinking I could still ‘fight’ this? Could I really still find the will to be disciplined, even when I finally retire? Or as I go towards Senior Citizenship, should I finally embrace this fatbod fully and gracefully and be at peace with it? Should I stop torturing myself and proudly tell people that I love this body as I love eating? 

I wonder…

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Holy Week 2024

Sibling bonding time

Happy to have my siblings and their spouses as guests at the beach house last Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday. I happen to be on a week-long break, mandatory. I drove to Zambales on Palm Sunday afternoon. It was an easy, pleasant drive on the Mini, with a stop for lunch and coffee.

My two Manila-based sisters and their husbands arrived the following day. This is their third time vacationing here. Too bad, c3 couldn’t join this time. It is always such a pleasure hanging out with them, reminiscing our childhood, Marites updates on everybody else. Highlights were the sunsets and full moon watching, the 80s jazz nostalgia and the karaoke, of course. 

We all went back to Manila yesterday. But I had to be driven by James, as I lost my contact lenses. Meanwhile, James actually resigned as my driver a day before. But since he had to get his stuff from the house, he agreed to drive for me. Poor guy’s pregnant wife is at risk of a difficult birth, with the baby already showing some congenital abnormality. 

So it’s back to being driverless, and staying at the Pasig condo for most of the workweek. I’ll try to make use of those nights to minimize dinner meals (and lose weight). Today, March 28, 2024 is Day One, Holy Thursday.

I need to lose weight and fat before my Executive Check-up. I’m not gunning for my previous weight. Just some few pounds and inches off till May. So help me God.

Libido’s been in check lately. Though I’d still want to hook up should an opportunity come. No opportunities coming my way lately. I don’t want to go back to Grindring. That app is a rabbit-hole that’s full of rejection and bruised (bashed) egos. Been 469 days since I deleted the app (been counting up haha).

I’ve also started the countdown to retirement: 732 days. So looking forward to that. But until that time, I remain cc - corporate captive (couldn’t use ‘slave’ LOL). And I will just have to savor these breaks in between the salt mines. 

Monday, January 22, 2024


We turned 11 today.  Not exactly a milestone year, right? But last year’s celebration was not exactly as we wanted it. We still spent it here in Boracay. But we both fell ill during the trip! First it was me and a very upset stomach. Then it was him feeling weak and feverish. 

I blame it on the first-day indulgence of what we miss in Boracay: Bar Lo’s 4-cheese pizza, oyster sisig, then coffee and dessert at Sunny Side. That wreaked havoc on my already-weak digestive tract! I was just in bed for 2 days. Then as I was recovering, c3 started feeling bad. And we weren’t happy with the amenities and the service of the hotel we stayed at. 

But this stay is shorter but sweeter. It was cut short since he had to fly back for work. Yet we maximized the time and had our great sunsets. We got to eat good food (Dos Mestizos, Hain at The Henry, Sunny Side, of course). And we sampled the night life of Om Bar and Rewind Bar (even if I don’t drink alcohol anymore).

11 years. Quite a feat. The relationship has evolved much, adjusting to our own life (and body) changes. I’m a lot older, nearing retirement, and now feeling so many aches and pains associated with aging. He has undergone (and continues to undergo) vision challenges. And I am happy to be here for him. 

We need to surpass 11 years, just to break the KathNiel record. LOL

Here’s to the next 11. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

A Holiday Season like no other. Iba ka talaga 2023.

Salamat at natapos rin ang 2023. And what a way to go.

Christmas Day, I woke up with stomach pain. I was feeling weak and feverish. I self-medicated. I prayed that I would get through the 8am service. And I did, thankfully. But the pain would come and go. I was just in bed practically the whole day. I ended up bringing myself to the hospital Emergency Room, my first time to do it alone, on Christmas Day. 

Thankfully the nice people at the ER were able to administer needed meds including that painful enema, to relieve of the stomach discomfort. I was able to go home by 930pm, still feeling weak. 

I regained my strength quickly after. I proceeded to take care of the furniture transfers to the new condo. 

Dec. 30 afternoon, my driver mentioned that it was his last day. He was resigning to "help his brother with his new business venture." No 30-day notice. I was too stunned to argue. And he left. 

I was hurt, felt betrayed. He was my driver for 12 years. And I had extended myself so many times to help him and his family. I treated him like family. But according to his wife, it boiled down to compensation (which he never complained about). He still owed me money. But I don't see how he would ever pay, or if he has even the intention. 

So there. I start 2024 back to where I was, 20 years ago, driving myself to work everyday. I am still on the lookout for a driver. But I know that the chances of finding one to my specifications are slim. And this will be on top of a very busy year at work. Good luck to me.