Friday, January 29, 2010

on sluts and flirting

whats wrong with being a slut? tweets one guy, a response to another's apologetic tweet about his 'slutty' behavior in a recent party.

huwait a minute. i dont think he was being slutty, in furnace. we need definitions here.

behavior: he was throwing himself at him, and some other guys. (luv you. conceptual lang eto. hihi) i dont call that being slutty. desperate, perhaps. LOL. and totally alcohol-induced.

slut is someone who just sleeps around. indulges in casual sex with multiple partners. and i honestly feel he was not being slutty that night. and he wasnt being a flirt either.

flirting. the best one is the most subtle one. when almost nobody notices the flirtation. its just between you and him. almost totally body & eye communication. the words exchanged could be so intellectual, even boring and sanitized. yet behind and beyond, there is chemistry, nay, alchemy actually. your eyes bore into him and his eyes bore into you. a slight brush of hand against arm or leg. electricity jumps. yet nobody notices.

and during the goodbye, the hug lingers a second too long. a tightness different from all the rest.

flirting. normally seen as a means to an end. try enjoying it as an end in itself. :-)


joelmcvie said...

Shet. From your definition, I'm a slut. Okay, so tackle the first question of your post: "What's wrong with being a slut?"

Anonymous said...

he's just totally drunk. out of control of himself. man, if my straight friend happens to be in that state....aww stop dreaming. ;)

Ming Meows said...

master mo na yata ang flirting cc

finisher said...

wait, that's me. ha ha ha.

i prefer instant gratification hence the slutty behavior which was PARTLY alcohol-induced. subtle flirtation is not my thing. i try to get what i want when i want it without sweating for it or i'll stop the pursuit. to each his own.

i didn't force myself on anyone, did i?

gibbs cadiz said...

parang kilala ko siya. aay! :)

Guyrony said...

Haha! I love the post!!!

Of flirtings and sluts, where would I fit?

Probably flirting.

Wahahahaha! Virginal.

I think I know this person in your post, alcohol induced? Maybe, maybe not.

Dhon said...

sometimes i am a flirt but often times.. only when i am drunk (Alcohol: Love it!) thats the only time i have enough courage to talk to someone i like and we end up in his place. :) i am a slut! so sue me! :)

Lance said...

Flirting is a natural trait. I believe everyone flirts whether consciously or unconsciously. We all gravitate towards the people we're attracted to and pay extra attention to them. Some people do go over the top and some flirt for the sake of flirting.

As for the concept of “slutty behavior” as defined here, it’s a tad unfair and biased against the beautiful hahahha! If most people can only get the guys they like, there'd be more consummated flirting and hence, there'd be more "sluts" :D

guudguyme said...

bitin naman kung flirting is "an end in itself"
d ba puwedeng as a "means to an end?" I've experienced flirting in the workplace and sometimes u just can't believe the guy u like flirts back at u. But too bad hanggang titigan na lang kami, nobody made d move...