Sunday, June 19, 2022

Proud Month

A true vanity project I had planned as I was turning 50: have pics of myself, my body, professionally taken, to document my 50ish bod at its fittest. Planned that as i approach 55, then the pandemic happened. 

Finally got it done year ago, at 56yo, with the help of photographer @ScenusImagen. June 20 was a rainy Sunday. But that didn’t stop me. I worked on the bod for 3 months just using my home gym and trying vegetarianism. 

So this is me. Yeah, Proud of this, despite lacking the genes for a gorgeous bone and muscular structure. I look at my body and see very weak shoulders, thick at the waist, small calf muscles. The pics capture me at the best I could manage (stomach in every time), at 56yo. This also captures my pandemic look: long wavy hair, facial hair.  In my heart then, I knew it would be downhill from there.

True enough, a year later, I have gained 8 lbs. All that as flab around the gut area. And on top of all that, I am diagnosed with Barrett’s Esophagus, high cholesterol and possibly a heart problem, on top of hypertension. From one maintenance med to 4. And drastic changes in diet and lifestyle: avoid alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, sour food, chocolates, red meat, blah blah blah. 

Avoiding alcohol, that got me really down. I super enjoy my mid-week drink (Wednesday) and my weekend bouts (Friday to Sunday). My Fierro visits were filled with just being in the pool, under the hot sun with wine or brandy or scotch in hand. I loved the buzz, that certain numbness coupled with the heat of the sun, the cold water of the pool, my fave music in the background. I am down to ‘social drinking’, a glass at the most, only on special occasions. 

My morning ritual with coffee also had to go: waking up to the smell of brewed coffee, having that sip as I read or browse or just look at the sunrise. The change: just a cup (not a mug) to be taken during breakfast, only after I have taken my med. Still a major change for me as I am usually a zombie without coffee. Sigh.

So I finally post some of the pics here. A memento of a previous life enjoyed to the full. A bod that was a work in progress, but never really got there. Resibo na umabot ako dito.