Wednesday, June 10, 2009

tapestry of life

i have lived a long enough life to notice how some people you've met long before, lost contact with, find their way into your life again. im extremely gratified to see this pattern happen again and again in my life. allow me to bore you with the details:

fishball vendor - no, i didnt do him, just to set the record straight. when we (ex and i) first moved into this condo eight years back, we were suki of this very friendly fishball vendor whose 'beat' was this area. i personally liked his sweet-sour sauce and made it a point to ALWAYS buy fish balls, squid balls, chicken balls when i catch him during afternoons. then, quite suddenly, he was no longer seen in the area, about 3 years ago.

i never saw him since until about a few months ago. i was just in my 'tunganga' mode, idly watching the people coming and going my nano-enterprise when i saw a familiar face pushing his fish ball cart. i was so amazed and happy when i recognized him, and he recognized me! it turns out that he went to the province for a time. but when he came back, he couldnt get his 'beat' back (the condo area). so he was forced to look for another area to cover. and he ended up in the area of my nano-enterprise! a delightful coincidence if you don't believe in fate! so im back to enjoying his balls... er squid balls, etc. and from time to time, i'd extend him monetary assistance. and he is very gracious about it. and never fails to pay me back.

locker attendant - i used to work out in another gym before fitness. and this quasi-exclusive gym was staffed with very likeable people. one of them was this young locker attendant, around 17yo. he always had a ready smile. and he was very attentive to our needs, and was the most well-liked for his affable manner. then he resigned even as i continued to work out in that gym. years passed and i had no contact with him. until one day, near the office, a jollibee branch was put up. we were all eager to visit the place, walking distance from the office! and locker attendant was there as a jollibee crew! another wonderful coincidence. he turned out to be a self-supporting student about to finish his marketing degree. since then, we have been in touch and i've managed to help him out with some of his course requirements (including an ojt at our office). he recently graduated and i offered him the job of being my personal assistant. and he gamely, graciously accepted, knowing the job market for new graduates nowadays. he's doing a great job coordinating my numerous personal projects and im so grateful.

finally, med intern, now a specialist. well, this one is a romantic story that ive blogged before. now we have remained in touch, still friends. but we still recall the wonderful past and couldnt help but be amazed that we managed to find each other again, even as just friends.

i cherish my friendships with all of them. they are back in my life for a reason. and i can only just be so thankful to be with them again.

these experiences allow me to take that macroscopic view of my life and their lives and see the beautiful tapestry that connects all of us. years have passed. our lives have taken so many twists and turns. but i believe that fate made sure that paths will cross again.

i remember a dialogue from the movie 'latter days'. it went something like "i used to hold the sunday funnies very close to my eyes. and all i would see are this jumble of colored dots that dont have any meaning. but when i slowly pull away, those dots start to form figures... those figures start to mean something." a cute analogy from a cute actor. hehe.

with all the years i've lived, i am so grateful to finally see parts of the tapestry coming together.


Anonymous said...

clap, clap, clap.

This post is beautiful. :)

Rainbow Runner said...

i enjoy stories like this, never fails to make me smile.

i guess it's really important to, as much as possible, never burn bridges with people. or at the very least part ways in a peaceful, sweet manner.

enjoy life's surprises CC! ;-)

Ming Meows said...

hmmm ang sipag mo ngayon magpost, must be the suspension of classes.

joelmcvie said...

Always try and see the big picture. It helps put Life in perspective. =)