Thursday, January 28, 2010

moon over marriott

taken from terraces, ayala cebu. love the pink sky and feather clouds. the moon over the hotel i stay at.

i like marriott here. business hotel that's not too stuffy. executive lounge provides breakfast in the moring and cocktails in the afternoon. cute lanky fitness manager down at the basement fitness center. lol. ala emilio garcia.

on another note. had this really vivid and weird dream this morning. i was at home, on the bed, entertaining a mix of guests. they include gay friends, my mom and her amigas, all around me. i was explaining that my boyfriend was still in the bathroom taking a bath. then my mom starts talking mean about my boyfriend. that he wasn't 'one of us'. one of the gay friends agrees. complete with 'in fairness'. they all start to talk about him, how he isnt meant for me. i was trying desperately to keep my cool and defend him. also careful that he might not hear.

then when i got up from the bed to go to the bathroom to check on him, i saw him outside. he heard all the discussion. and he was sobbing on the floor. i was so angry at the guests.

i rushed out and threw them all out of my bedroom, including my mom.

weird. the boyfriend in the story was somebody i dont even know. he looked really young and thin and scrawny. but i vividly remember the anger, the pain! do these things mean anything?


Gram Math said...

i don't really believe that there is a connection between our dreams and the real world.

Anonymous said...

My explanation:

The boyfriend is really a salesman bent on selling you something. Lol.

The mother and friends are your ManCom or OpCom members giving thumbs-down to whatever he was selling. In fairness!! Lol.

The boyfriend in the story was somebody you didn't know but I bet, you've met already : I believe, in the comfort room of the Mabuhay Lounge. Lol.


Prince Henry said...

They say dreams reflect your innermost desires. Things that you might want to do in real life. So maybe you might just want to explore relationship once more. Just maybe.


Prince Henry said...

They say dreams reflect your innermost desires. Things that you might want to do in real life. So maybe you might just want to explore relationship once more. Just maybe.


Mike said...

You just gave me reason to miss the days while I was in Cebu. Any lechon cebu for pasalubong? :)

Dhon said...

CC as far as i know.. Dreams is your subconscious speaking.. :) said...

i must agree with prince henry...

maybe you are longing to be with someone now...

i remember meeting up with someone i met online before....occasionally at some point there were 2 unexpected dreams i had with this guy... could that incident mean something? i only wonder.


Guyrony said...

Weird dream...a soulmate perhaps?

And while you're in Cebu please bring me dried Cebuano, este, dried mangoes... sorry.


Maybe it's deja vu cc... Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

perhaps ur thinking much of how u will handle if u decide to have 1. family & friends are always to consider if u have a partner.

relax, ang talino mo kasi. palagi mo na lang pinangungunahan.

a reader from dubai...

Ming Meows said...

wow they really mean something.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's my prize for being your 100th follower?..Your blogs are so cool, I can relate since I am a corporate slave here in the States who is still in the closet...just starting my career though and exploring the pink life, started too late ha ha...looking forward to read more...

mackoy said...

on the other hand, some people take dreams as "kabaligtaran ng kung anung gusto nating mangyari". And to consider lahat ng kabaligtaran sa story mo, ibg sabhin ba nito you will still be single and available pero happy and contented, and the people around you will still be very supportive of you? hehe

/iambrew said...

naku ako ata yung nasa dream. what room number mo? lol.

di ko rin sure kung yung dreams natin is connected sa real world. wala me maSay about it. gusto ko lang magComment dito. hehhee.

MkSurf8 said...

mapuntahan nga yang emilio garcia na yan =)

Anonymous said...

dreams are the expressions of your subconscious/unconscious, or could also be a peek into the possible events in the future. maybe right now you are longing for the one true love, but then you are worried about "the one" not being able to measure up to your family and friends' expectations, to your status in life, to your comfort zone, among other trapppings. simply put, your dream is asking you, in case you meet the "one," will you be willing to do everything and give up everything for him?

Mr. Pink Tie said...

you've probably met the guy somewhere but not remember him. or probably someone in your past who has provoked those emotions.

kensou09 said...

agree w/ mr pink. .u hurt sum1 in the past.unknwingly, of ur subconscious knows it.