Monday, August 4, 2008

haiku-like post

we saw each other again. finally no animosity. and no mention of the past. sure, it was still strained.

then i hugged him from behind. kissed him on his neck as i felt how nice it was to hug him and kiss him once again.

he made the peace sign with his right hand. and i made one, too.

i was also wondering how on earth to tell everybody that we were back together, after all the acrimony. but who cares? i was happy to be with him again.

then i woke up. it was just a dream. a dream of ex.

pic by worldwidet. showing the peace sign formed by the clouds.


Anonymous said...

:) and you wished it wasn't a dream?

closet case said...

no, i dont, john. it was just a dream. =)