Wednesday, April 13, 2011

pain, musings on

could you cope better with pain if you know when it is coming? does it make it less painful, the awareness, the regularity and the timing? or would the element of surprise be better, because the anticipation of it heightens the experience, when every fiber in your body is being primed to the moment it arrives?

can one really be 'zen-ish' about pain and embrace it? and love it? and consider it a part of your self? the proverbial necessary evil?

is 'pain with gain' less... painful? knowing that there is some reward at the end?

i just wonder...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Spiral Prince said...

my two cents: I think pain, along with the emotions and reactions it evokes and/or births, is something that metamorphoses over time, and it can be quite different for each of us. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in a relationship fully aware that it's going to hurt me in the end. I anticipate it's going to hurt me really bad; thinking about it makes me sad. But at this point, while enjoying every moment with him, I can't stop thinking when the painful day is coming. As much as I'm trying to prepare myself for it, I just couldn't do it. I just wish that it's not too soon, and I'll fall out of love before that "painful" day comes.