Friday, March 4, 2011

gospel musings

warning: religious post

my mom remarked how much she liked last Sunday's gospel. how we shouldn't worry about what to wear, what to eat. be confident that God will take care of those details. if He takes care of that for the sparrows and the dandelions, He would certainly pay more attention to our needs.

that verse was preceded by the statement that we cannot serve two masters: God and money. we will end up hating one and loving the other.

when we worry about 'the material stuff', where will i get tomorrow's keep, how will i pay for that marvelous it bag i love so much, we are actually serving Sir Money. we are at his mercy. we worry incessantly. we obsess.

and though we may profess faith, do the rites and rituals, our minds and hearts are choked by the worries of the world. we really do not serve Him as he deserves.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness"

if we should worry about anything at all, we should be worried about giving God what he rightfully deserves. seeking how to pay Him back for all the blessings He has bestowed on us. God, through Jesus life and death, has essentially "paid forward". He suffered much for us even if we are truly undeserving so we don't have to be consigned to eternal damnation.

when we seek to do what is right, true and just, it is not to earn 'brownie points' for a ticket to heaven. we seek to do that only as our way of 'deserving' the salvation He has earned for us. of thanking Him for that supreme sacrifice. nothing we do will add to His glory. but we do it because it is the right thing to do. because He deserves it. nothing more.

let's not be slaves to money by worrying about making money, payments. let us be servants of God instead by worrying about how to make each act, each behavior deserving of His love and sacrifice. He has paid forward. Let's think about how to pay back by paying forward to another person!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Seriously Funny said...

Amen! Nice post.

Mr. G said...

That is Matthew 6:26

I love that verse...

Ming Meows said...
