Wednesday, September 18, 2013

cc quickie: Diet Discipline

I'm on Day 10 of the diet. I think this is the most consistent I have ever been sticking to this 1,550 cal/day regimen. I actually went back to using the diet prescribed by the Fitness First nutritionist two years ago. And though she is no longer with FF, I have asked her to monitor my intake. I send her my food intake journal, and she translates that into calories consumed. I know there is this app that does the same thing. But I have yet to download that.

It is very harrrd to stick to the diet. I do experience hunger pangs from time to time. I ingest plenty of water during those times. The trick really is to be conscious of serving sizes everytime one eats. And to limit choices of viands. All this falls apart in the face of buffet binges. Lol.

I don't feel weak. I feel lighter. Visually, I am convincing myself that some of those abs are starting to be visible again. Maybe I will be successful this time.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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