Monday, March 17, 2008

home crasher

i crash homes when i travel abroad. in wales, it was my nurse-friend's home. in dubai, it was one sister's. in new york, it was another sister's. in new jersey, yet another sister's. (i got four) here in hongkong, its my classmate's place.

i feel guilty but my hosts, they are just all so gracious. (its not like im totally uninvited) but i realize that i do disrupt schedules and lives while i stay over. and they don't seem to mind. they are just good people i guess. but i really value the time i get to spend with them, with their loved ones. and i realize how lucky i am to be able to crash at their homes.

so i try to minimize the disruption, as much as i could. try to keep out their way. make sure that my bed, whether its the sofa bed or whatever is in order when i get up. yet these are really just little things...

so to all my hosts, id just like to thank you for being so kind and generous and understanding!


Dats said...

isn't that amazing!? lucky you! ----and whoa! almost all over the world you have a plce to crash in! whoahooo! :)

closet case said...

hiya dats. just so blessed... *hugs*

Anonymous said...

hmm, this crashing in at relatives'/friends' places made remember what my mother always tells us her children whenever we have guests or friends staying in our old house. "it is your duty as the host to make your guests feel at home, and your guest's responsibility to remember that it is not."

wala lang. :-)

closet case said...

your mom shows much wisdom! i believe in that exactly!

Vince (Discreet Manila) said...

Hmmm... can some of your ardent blog readers crash at your place? :-)

closet case said...

well vince, i need to return the favor, right? i guess i need to pay forward. and if that means letter ardent blog readers of mine... all the more i need to be generous! =)