Saturday, September 19, 2009

j.a.s.: jacques IV

it's been a month and a half since matthew and jacques have been talking.. well chatting, really...and even if they're oceans apart, they manage to keep the lines of communication open and very honest.

and they both know that in no time soon they'll finally meet in person. at last!

recuperating from the accident has given jacques much time on his hands. and for the most part, it's all about thinking of matthew. as jacques reminisced the past days, weeks, a month, he was slowly realizing that he, jacques, single for the almsot a year now, is falling in love with matthew.

jacques knew its too early, but that's just his mind talking. his heart tells him otherwise. but he maintains a sober outlook. he will let all the ingredients blend well together, slowly, surely and when the recipe is finally complete then thats the time, that's time he will tell himself that he has made the best recipe ever, his recipe of love.

sometimes he wonders, what can he do? could he actually stop himself from falling for matthew.?... or is it really fate leading jacques to fall for him? sometimes unexpected things happen for a reason... and no matter how hard one resists, the events just unfold. and feelings just develop.

risk is on its highest but once you're feeling the love then there's no turning back. the one thing jacques is sure of is that they have agreed to commit to each other. matthew owns jacques and jacques owns matthew.

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