Wednesday, September 2, 2009

just another story: matthew

lets call him matthew. matthew is just another regular PLU, SS07 (single since 07). it was a rather ugly break-up. one that he never saw coming. still feeling the pain, he sought solace and comfort in trying to divine his future. the palm reader he consulted was not run-of-the-mill, and came with excellent references. he heard what he wanted to hear: by mid next year you will meet your soul mate, a mestizo. and that will last for a long, long time.

patiently he waited what seemed like too long. but he kept the faith even as there were opportunities for relationships that came his way. they didnt seem to match what was foretold. but he really didnt let the reading lead his life. he remained open, dated a variety of faces, bodies and attitudes to match. there were however some dates that matthew thought could be THE one. and he tried to go with the flow. for one reason or the other, the flow stopped somewhere. but that didnt stop him from 'enjoying' his single-ness, and indulging in his passions.

so towards the predicted middle of the year, matthew became hopeful, optimistic even. he knew soul mate would soon be knocking on his door. and he opened his horizons to meet people. parties, dinners, activities, he attended them all and kept his eyes open. blind dates he actually agreed to. just to make sure that the universe gets help in conspiring to get him hooked with soul mate.

middle of the year came and went. no soul mate. matthew slowly opened up to the possibility that it was not going to happen. that palm reader was wrong. so he decided to change gears and just focus on himself, on his family, on his businesses. he abstained from casual sex and even turned celibate. he became super busy with a zillion activities and projects. and he was determined to sculpt his body the way he has always wanted.

in between there would be facebook and all the other sites he would regularly visit. and the requests to be added as a friend. some were actually quite attractive on screen. so he would send a flirty message or two, but not believing it would go anywhere.

he was almost successful until he attended two weddings. then he became wistful again. then he started to pine again. surely if it could happen to them, it could happen to me, he thought.

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