Sunday, October 25, 2009

sunday mass inspiration

what i love about attending mass during sundays is that i get these inspirational messages contemplating on His word. in my emo mode, i pray dearly, keep quiet and just wait for inspiration.

today, the message was 'acts of love, done lovingly' and 'do the everyday tasks with love.'

i was telling Him about this lonely, achy feeling. then i realized that focusing on what i lack, on this emptiness, will just feed on itself and cause me to descend deeper into emo-ness. i was pining for the love-high, that thrill, that rush to happen again. the message for me was that the love-feeling can also come from doing acts of love. again and again, love is an action verb. for me to 'feel the love', i should 'love', express my love to the people around. i should see how a thoughtful hug, or a little token brings smiles to faces. or just spending time and chatting could mean a world of difference. doing these acts of love, with love in my heart, always brings the love feeling... well, maybe its not that love-high, but certainly affirming and wonderful still.

its the behavior and attitude that will spell the difference.

beyond that, the task of living our lives everyday also become sources of love-feelings. maybe just typing that memo, being in that meeting with colleagues, all these activities could be done lovingly, with a conscious effort to send out love through such mundane tasks. you become aware that the things you do communicate. and it can communicate love, love of work, concern for each other, concern for customers and clients. it also becomes some of yardstick for good behavior. aware that you are doing these tasks and activities with love, you hesitate to be cynical or critical. you become open to opinions while being honest and diplomatic.

to get rid of these lonesomeness, do the act of love, do the everyday tasks with love. it comes back to you...


angelo aguinaldo said...

thanks for sharing.

Ming Meows said...

looks like i've read it in one of mcvie's posts. not the exact words but the same thought.

Anonymous said...

do you think that there is heaven knowing that you believe in HIM? and if so, do you know if you will go there when you die?