my gloom has abated. i was reading my earlier posts and boy, was it so full of despair. i sort of snapped out of it after watching 'the secret' on dvd.
got a copy of it from my sister. been curious about since i watched oprah reruns and saw her 'review' of the book and dvd, and her interview of the editor/authors. something about what they were saying was resonating within me. turns out, the secret's been out for more than a year now. (im so late).
so i watched the very simple, but nicely edited docu-dvd. and sorting out myself while watching the dvd helped a lot. here's how:
the secret is all about the law of attraction. what we think about, what preoccupies us sends a message to the universe. and it simply attracts all things, events back to itself, back to us. if we are always thinking about what we do NOT have, what we LACK, we reinforce it and ATTRACT more situations that will aggravate this LACK. change your thoughts and you change your outcome.
so i decided to change my thoughts, my preoccupations and focus on what i have, what i enjoy, what makes me happy. and pretty much, that is status quo. now, i feel a lot lighter and i have also decided to do something healthier, more positive about my relationship with partner. i wont preempt myself. but i will be taking some steps soon... and thinking about it makes me happy... so i send more happy thoughts into the universe.
sorry if it sounds like nonsense, or overtly simplistic. but it worked for me... :-) wish me luck...