Thursday, November 27, 2008

the simba experience

i wanted to watch 'billy elliot the musical'. but there were no good tickets available. the good seats were selling at $300. no way. so i settled for a musical that would be a visual delight.

i watched 'the lion king, the movie' about 13+yrs ago. i watched it while i was still assigned in davao, something i blogged about i was assigned in davao primarily because i was becoming a pain in my ex-boss' butt. he was one boss i had such a hard time dealing with. he was one who would berate me and other managers regardless of who was around. and we suspected him of carrying a clandestine affair with one of the reps. and when the talk was getting louder, he 'canned' me by sending me to far-off davao.

he was our GM. but i had lost all respect for him. everybody in the office was afraid of him. and they were all telling me to fight back. they wanted me to tell the owner of what he has been doing. and that i should be the one leading the team, not him. but i couldnt since i was 'marooned' on the island of mindanao. and i was afraid myself. i knew he knew of my preference. he had joked about it. i knew it wasnt beyond him to use that card.

but even as i was there in davao, i couldnt deny the weight on everybody's shoulders because of him. morale was low, and i could only just offer reassurances.

watching 'lion king, the movie' inspired me to 'take my rightful place' in the company. i was moved by the movie to action, to fight for what i believe in, to fight for the people. i truly empathized with simba as he came to the realization...

i boldly plotted my program, aware of the consequences (getting fired, humiliated possibly). but i had to tell the owner of what was happening. and he listened. in a month, the GM resigned. and the burden was lifted.

that was in end-1995, when he finally left. and after two more years of hardwork, the company started finally gaining momentum. morale was back. and the structure was put into place.

we have grown leaps and bounds since then. and i proudly look at where we are now. and i know that it was all of us working together.

it's fitting that i watched the musical today. it reminded me of what i have gone through, and what i have become.

on a side note, i am just amazed at the sheer creativity of disney in translating the movie, the animation into a theatrical experience. i love the way the animals were created, part puppetry, part costume design. the moving set with its center ramp that rises maybe two stories above was just amazing. it was a true experience.

i must admit that i had more fun at 'wicked'. maybe because i knew this story ahead. but somehow, wicked was well, wicked in its storyline! hehe. but im glad i was able to catch this show, possibly in its last year of running in broadway, both for entertainment and sentimental reasons!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

closing shop

i can't believe when i read the email from migs that he is about to close the site, the manila gay guy. migs made it all happen for cc to come to virtual life. he set up that dinner with gibbs and mcvie. all three of them convinced me to start the blog.

and now, mgg is closing shop. i have yet to find out why. but knowing migs, this must be a well-thought out decision.

i read some of the comments. it must be very heartwarming for migs to read the appeals NOT to close the site. and the messages, most of them had only the nicest things to say about mgg, the site and the site owner.

i have entertained thoughts of closing cc down, too, particularly when i was still in a relationship, the blog was a secret. i had major fears of being 'found out', my infidelities to be read by my ex. of course, all that is moot and academic.

to migs

thanks for inspiring me to write my own blog because of your site. you are not only a dear friend, pre-mgg, but a mentor as well. your blog is a great MBA case in itself. hahaha. wish i could write the case for you!

and to the next major endeavor of migs, cheers! i await eagerly what this will be!


Monday, November 24, 2008

sometimes, it just comes back

riding the bus from dc to nyc, i had 4 1/2hrs of nothing much to do. it started snowing hard in dc, and along the way, i was just looking at the snow-laden trees, devoid of leaves. it was a beautiful sight. something i dont get too see too often.

but the snowy landscape, coupled with piano solos on my ipod, started to bring back memories...

last year, almost at exactly the same time, i was also in nyc. and we were still together. i was over my affair with enigma. and my ex and i, we were still having problems. i was feeling burdened by all the ice-cold treatment he was giving me. yet i was buying all these pasalubongs for him, always conscious of giving him nice presents for his birthday and christmas.

i still was not imagining that we would be breaking up. i was still hoping he would thaw and that we would get back to normal. then the twist of fate. i discovered his affair, his two-year affair. and that was that.

i actually dreamt about him a few weeks back. it was a positive dream. seemed like old times.

then i am in the italian restaurant beside my hotel in dc, having quiet dinner alone. music playing is andrea bocelli. and it includes a favorite of his when i met him, 'con te partiro' or 'time to say goodbye' in english. i adopted it as a theme song. funny that it should actually be 'time to say goodbye'. haha. a portent of things to come seven years after. weird though is hearing it just as i was in this mood.

i suddenly felt sad. not so much because i miss him. but i miss the life we had, when it was still good. when we were still loving and hopeful and happy.

i sometimes feel that i failed miserably. that maybe i could have changed something. then i realize that it was as much his fault as mine.

but that doesnt change the way i feel at the moment, looking at that white, bleak landscape.

i feel that i have this chest of drawers of memories. and this chest remains out of sight for most of the time. but there will be moments when i would need to open the drawer, if only to remind myself that i have gone through the pain. and i have survived. then i close the drawer again.

IJ Case 8: HK Lounge, NYC (Close Encounters)

I googled "hot+gay+clubs+nyc" and got this place as one of the top results. located in the area called Hell's Kitchen, HK Lounge seemed like a really nice place, judging by the website. so i decided to check the place out despite the near-freezing temperature. it was SOOOO cold walking the streets of manhattan!

it was fairly easy to find. and the interiors i actually really liked: high ceiling, mix of white and textured, brick walls. not very big. and unfortunately for a friday night, not full either. typical of the gay clubs here, there was the requisite hunky waiter (here featured is a hunk from venezuela)

i was disappointed that there were only about 20+ people in a bar that could hold probably 80+. but since i didnt want to go home in the cold, i decided to stick around. by 11pm, the gogo boys got up on the bar to dance. i wasnt sure if they'd allow me to photograph them. but nobody bothered to tell me off so i guess it was okay.

i just stayed there watching the boys and the clients. there were a few goodlooking ones but definitely they were all in groups. (very hard to go to these places alone and expect a pick-up, at least for me) so i was just having fun watching the bartender and the gogo boys.

this guy apparently noticed how i was just staring at his bod lustfully, he approached me and allow me to take his picture UP CLOSE. and he started gyrating in front of me. i had to put in a few dollars to show my appreciation. (and to allow me to touch his crotch) and he just kept dancing there. and so i let my hands do the talking... feeling his really great big butt. hahaha. and since he was on the bar, there was a point he was actually on his knees, thrusting his hips towards my face to the beat. good grief, that was hot. a breath away from eating him.

but i restrained myself, and just let this very close encounter with a gogo boy sustain me till i left with a nice smile.

would i recommend the place? hmm. hard to say. there were mixed reviews about it. and there were hardly any people there. but with that nice experience, i'd say, well, just check it out and look for ross....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

wish fulfillment

it all started in '85.

i was familiar with 'holiday', 'everybody'. but it was 'borderline' that got me hooked to the divine Madonna. i immediately got the album and started my hero-worship of the material girl. she stood for what i've wanted express then. rebellious, sexy-in-your-face attitude.

then the long-playing albums started playing in the house so often my parents would be exasperated at hearing 'express yourself' two million times.

i was desperate to get a poster of her. and at that time, there was hardly any poster of her available. her Time cover changed her status to absolute star. and i was called a 'wannabe'.

i knew i would die just to be able to watch her concert. she's had so many concert tours. there were always talk of Manila as stop. never happened. probably wouldnt be able to afford her?

finally the chance happened. there was a conference in washington. i'd be using nyc as my base, to visit my sister. a quick search revealed the nov 22 saturday show in atlantic city, new jersey, just 2 1/2hrs away from nyc!!!

did my reservations and now it's history. it's a 20yr+ wish fulfilled!

i was at the venue at 630pm. gates opened 710pm. i was like one of the first. and i had great seats on a middle bleacher. i was able to see the convention center literally fill-up with people. wow.

but it was an audience in my age range. hahaha. and of course the queens from everywhere.

she came out 9am, not before a dj worked up the audience for 30mins. and that was a great dj. too bad i didnt catch the name.

i didnt take pictures. i dont want to pre-empt the dvd coming out next year. but seriously, it was worth every penny. the use of the LED panels was mind-boggling. there were like 12+ panels, two were cylinders in the middle . all of these mobile, that would form different shapes (it started out as a huge cube). unbelievable.

my personal highlights: she sang my old favorites - 'borderline', 'like a prayer' and 'ray of light'. and all the ones in the hard candy album i liked. i loved 'she's not me' and even 'devil wouldnt recognize you'! and the 'la isla bonita' productions. she mashed 'into groove' with '4 minutes'. wow.

i left still singing 'give it to me', her finale. ive seen her perform, sintunado at times. but nobody 50yo moves the way she does, in 4" heels.

i can rest now.

Friday, November 21, 2008

another disturbing story

an ad in one of the newspapers rallied against 'cyberbullying': how a teenager actually committed suicide perhaps because of the 'cyberbullies. the last chat message she got was "the world is better off without you. nobody cares about you.'

at first i thought this was too incredulous. like you would actually believe a virtual persona telling you this??@!? but apparently, this was not fictional at all. i just came across the article on the story. OMG. it is true.

very fragile egos, in the formative stage, resort to the internet as a sort of 'safe haven'... a place where you could choose to be someone else. unfortunately, the persona they chose was still a target of bullies. and the anonymity of the identity only made the attacks more vicious, on such fragile egos.

i bleed for the victim of the attack. i could imagine how rejected that teenager must have felt. to think that even 'virtual society' doesnt deem her fit as a denizen.

the internet is not always the safe place some people make it out to be.

kawawa naman.

last night out, dc

just arrived from my last night out here in dc. a bit tipsy from the vodka-based drinks ive been drinking. (plu's drink vodka or gin based drinks here, not beer. it doesnt look classy enough to hold a bottle) i went to duplex diner, a nice hang out. got to meet a filipino plu contingent thru a friend. but they left me because they had to watch a movie. luckily, a german based in dc, followed by an american managed to entertain me in their absence i had a good time chatting with them. the german was actually cute but he was sort of dating one of the pinoys. the american was vocal about liking me. but he just wasnt my type. i really wanted to hang out more with the german and some other cute americans there but nabakuran ako. (fenced in)

i checked out another club, cobalt, a few blocks from there. it was a dance club with a distinctively multiracial clientele (latinos, south asians, orientals, etc) didnt stay too long. but long enough for a peruvian to come up to me and tell me that he liked me. (and a wet kiss on the cheek as he said goodbye) read the mixed reviews on the link, though.

it was nice seeing a group of pinoy plu's hanging out together, all 5 of them. when i would hear of the way crab mentality gets into pinoys, i see these diverse group hanging out in a bar and watching twilight together. go pinoy! and they seemed pretty popular there (the german was locking lips with one pinoy nurse. another caucasian was another pinoys date)

dc is a cool place. a bit more open to different races and cultures than nyc, i would think.

confirms my notion that we attract the latinos and the african americans more than the caucasians, unless they are certified rice queens.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

IJ Case 7: The Crew Club, Washington, D.C.

Bath houses or saunas are not popular here anymore. PLU's prefer online meet-ups that become eb's. Last year, i didnt bother to check out the few saunas in nyc.

but this afternoon, upon arriving at washington, d.c., i decided to do an online search 'gay+washington, dc'. and i got a short list of 'entertainment options' for the PLU. well, there was just one sauna/gym, and since i was quite free, i decided to check it out: the crew club.

it wasnt hard to find. though it was quite a walk from the nearest metro station (mcpherson square). upon security check, you are led to the gym area. but nothing happens there. i went up to the 2nd floor where Everything happens.

a lounge greets the visitor. this lounge becomes the locker area and eventually the communal shower system, and the rest of the wet floors. the dry sauna is small but the wet sauna is labyrinthine, with little 'cubicles' or stalls where one sits and has a bit of privacy to engage one or two.

outside is the room maze, with many rooms. the style here is that you could choose between getting a locker or a room. i opted for a locker.

the place is not new. and it smells it, especially the dry sauna. it is quite well lit for a bath house. which i appreciate so i could see the fez of the patrons.

the patrons are largely matrons, middle-aged caucasians with potbelly to show. a handful of youngish ones, those into daddies, i guess. there was one who looked hispanic, one who was south asian and totally asian (cc!).

the hispanic signaled interest early on. but i started with a young caucasian, looked jewish. he was just so into my pecs/boobs. he actually came just touching me. hahaha. i tried the hispanic. he led me inside his room. but wanted to bottom me. uhmm. no way, jose. finally, i started something with the south asian (whom i found the better looking than the rest, with a nice butt, to boot!) and that was hot because i liked him most. but we didnt consumate. we 'moved on' to the others. hihihi

i wasnt much into it so i didnt release. i left after about 2 hours.

it was ok. but nothing to rave about. if only the place lived up to its ad (those gorgeous hunks), i would have been recommending it to EVERYONE.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

eye candy as assistant?!

a few posts back, i talked about this former commercial model i met. i didnt really pursue the guy. thought it too much effort.

one time, i received a hello sms from the guy. as i replied (i have to admit, excitedly), we had a short exchange, mainly on how he was doing, and that it wasnt great. figured the guy needed some cheering up, i invited him to join me to watch a basketball game. we had a good time. looked like he was able to laugh and smile a bit.

he actually seemed like a nice guy, a nice straight guy with three kids, two broken relationships (live-in) with females. and he was looking for other ways to augment his meager income.

i have been looking for an assistant to do some internet research for my classes. i needed someone to download u-tube commercials, look for articles on certain brands, etc. when he told me about his computer programming background, i decided to offer him this part-time work. it wouldnt pay much, i told him. but it would fit his schedule because of its flexibility. and from time to time, it would include actual legwork research.

he accepted the offer. and we've worked out an arrangement. and so far, it has worked out fine. he's actually quite smart, quick on comprehension. he's just not very articulate in english.

so the 'trophy boyfriend' ambitions are out the window. he is now under my 'employ'! and the best part, well, is that he looks really good. eye candy and that's all he's going to be!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

harassment with consent?

i was referred to this home service massage therapist by a friend. actually, all three of us in the group got his number because of the 'recommendation'! the two booked him ahead and gave him solid good reviews! hmmm. i became curious and horny, of course.

coming from a trip last week, i called him up to book home service. he was very nice and light on the phone. and was laughing t the 'deluge' of referrals he has been getting from my friend. all explainable because of advertising and promotions. the therapist, nino, offered my friend a promo: 3 successful referrals = 1 free massage. no wonder he was spreading the news!!!

he arrived at the condo. not too impressive physically but not bad looking. but he has a nice lean young body. and besides, we have established some kind of rapport because he was fun. he was light and always joking.

he proceeded to massage me. and as he did, he sometimes talk about his stories, the friends he has met. and an occasional joke which i appreciate. the massage was actually good. firm, hard at certain points, especially at the lower back. and he would comment how he liked my butt. he kidded me that i was trying to rush to get to the 'happy ending'. but i told him i wasnt really so excited because i dont really get hard when im being massaged, even erotically. that's why some therapists think im not into it.

i guess he got challenged because he started to slide his chest over my back. but he wasnt done with the massage. when i turned over, he continued the massage, avoiding my 'sensitive parts'. however, once that was done, he offered to give me my happy ending.

in typical fashion, he took off his clothes and started 'romance' me by licking my nipples, caressing my d**k. soon, however, he was on top of me and was already kissing me on my neck, my chest, behind the ear. and he would brush his lips against mine without kissing me.

now this was already turning me on... and getting me rock hard. when i embraced him, he started to kiss me and we started to really go for it. and we went on and on...

until he pulled back and said "im sorry'... i though he was kidding. but when i looked at him, he was serious. "di ko dapat ginagawa yun sa cliente. i took advantage of you. im sorry."

"huh? sorry for what? gusto ko naman yung ginagawa natin..." so i countered.

then he looked into my eyes and started to kiss me more and more... and we had one wild time in bed that night. he kept saying he liked me so much... and he couldnt stop kissing me and cuddling me. but it had to end.

i gave him what was due and he left, not without one final kiss sabay hug... sweet guy.

i was puzzled with that 'change of heart'. of course i wanted sex to happen. but on hindsight, i guess the sex was supposed to be typically unemotional: he licks my nipples, gets on top of me, jerks me off as he lets me suck him. and it would culminate with me, just me, getting to the climax. that was the professional way.

i guess he felt guilty that he had let his emotions get the better of him. and he enjoyed the wild ride. and that i could be a 'victim' of harassment because of the client-service provider relationship. maybe.

it was a good massage. it was good sex. but frankly, i kept on thinking of just one person. and it wasnt the therapist. *sigh*

landian transcribed

i met taipei in the club i went to. he was the one i liked most, though not necessarily the best looking. he had a daddy panda look to him though he's actually younger. much taller than me, he spoke better english than most of taiwanese i met there.

9:50:53 PM CC: hello Taipei
9:51:02 PM Taipei: Hello cc
9:51:13 PM CC: is this your picture?
9:51:27 PM Taipei: Yes, I didn't show my face on msn
9:52:07 PM CC: nice pic. why not?
9:53:05 PM Taipei: Ha... Sometime I don't want to show pic
9:53:12 PM Taipei: no reason
9:53:34 PM CC: ah ok. such a cute face should be up there. do you have facebook?
9:54:12 PM Taipei: No, I didn't spent much time on blog or internet photo book
9:54:22 PM Taipei: My pic is on msn, yo can check it.
9:54:49 PM Taipei: Just back from office, take shower first.
9:54:56 PM Taipei: Chat with u later.
9:55:00 PM CC: cool. now i see the face. sure take your shower first
Changed status to Away (9:55:12 PM)
10:57:16 PM CC: nice... i like this picture
10:57:48 PM Taipei: My friend take it for me three weeks ago.
10:58:16 PM CC: may i as a personal question. do you have a partner currently?
10:58:39 PM Taipei: I am single.
10:58:48 PM CC: ok. cool.
10:58:56 PM Taipei: That is not news, you could get the answer from Ryan or Leo
10:59:18 PM CC: i didnt ask them. was shy.
10:59:38 PM Taipei: Ha... Don't be shy. Just a question.
10:59:48 PM Taipei: Not any meaning
11:00:28 PM CC: hahaha. yes. i was happy to meet you that night
11:01:26 PM Taipei: Me too. It is a very impressive experience
11:01:49 PM CC: i wanted to ask you come with me back to the hotel
11:02:31 PM Taipei: Really?! You didn't say it Ha......
11:02:58 PM CC: but you were too busy then
11:03:55 PM Taipei: Actually I am PR there 噗
11:04:07 PM CC: are you serious?
11:04:16 PM Taipei: Just kiding.
11:04:26 PM CC: oh. hahaha
11:04:28 PM Taipei: Come baby, are you really believe it
11:04:43 PM CC: you look like you were pr there
11:04:54 PM CC: and i did tell you that you were the only one i liked
11:05:16 PM Taipei: Actually there are many people could do the same thing like me
11:05:27 PM Taipei: Don't be surprise
11:06:12 PM CC: yes. you have your friends to entertain there.
11:07:12 PM Taipei: I just spent much to social with friends.
11:07:30 PM CC: yes. i didnt think you like me much.
11:08:46 PM Taipei: Don't say that.
11:09:26 PM CC: that's what i felt. but its ok. i just want to say that i like you.
11:10:12 PM Taipei: Before I meet you, Ryan said he met a very handsome and kind phillpino
11:10:55 PM CC: hahaha. wow. thats so nice of ryan
11:11:56 PM Taipei: I didn't figure out you are interesting in me
11:12:11 PM CC: i told you that.
11:13:23 PM Taipei: Ha.... thank for your kindness. i am so suprised about it
11:13:42 PM CC: i am not being kind. im being honest. you are cute.
11:14:16 PM Taipei: When I chat with my friend near the entrance of Funky
11:14:31 PM Taipei: I saw you talk with a young guy
11:15:02 PM CC: yes. i was talking with Hippo. Leo (small) introduced him to me.
11:15:24 PM Taipei: How is him.
11:15:48 PM Taipei: I think you are interesting in him
11:15:49 PM CC: he is a nice person, too. but i didnt get attracted to him like i got attracted to you
11:16:05 PM CC: if i was interested in him i would have taken him back to the hotel
11:16:07 PM Taipei: Ha.... Maybe I talk too much
11:16:16 PM CC: hahaha. no you dont
11:16:40 PM CC: i forgot to ask. how old are you?
11:16:46 PM Taipei: 1975
11:17:05 PM CC: ok. got it.
11:17:32 PM Taipei: How old are you
11:17:44 PM CC: 1966, im 42yo
11:18:46 PM Taipei: My God!! You looks so young...
11:19:06 PM CC: wow. thanks, leo. mwah
11:19:23 PM Taipei: I never believe you are older then more then 2-3 years
11:19:41 PM CC: thanks a lot
11:20:09 PM Taipei: It is true. i am so suprised.
11:20:38 PM Taipei: I have to more respective to you in the future. 噗
11:20:53 PM CC: hahaha! hey, im not that old!thanks, really. i need to sleep now. but im glad im chatting with you, taipei. you look like a nice guy!
11:21:25 PM Taipei: Thanks a lot. I have the same feeling with you.
11:21:41 PM Taipei: Have a sweet dream. I almost need to sleep soon
11:21:44 PM CC: i hope to chat with you again... take care always
11:21:51 PM CC: have a sweet dream, too
11:22:12 PM Taipei: Bye
11:22:21 PM CC: bye

airports, airplanes

november is travel month. i didnt plan it to be this way. but i am flying in and out of manila for the whole month.

short, domestic flights i dont mind. but it still takes like a whole half-day, at least, away from your life. (the transfers, the waiting, the flight, the baggage, etc. etc.)

im taking this time to do some blog-thinking or think-blogging. sorry i havent been posting as often as i wanted.

the mabuhay lounge in the centennial is nothing to really rave about. what you really look forward to is just some measure of peace and quiet, and free snacks. they've perfected the bite-size sandwich. with all sorts of 'palaman': chicken, roast beef, pastrami, chicken inasal (!), with a thin slice of tomato. hehe. it tastes bland but looks cute and pretty.

i look around and i see quite a few whom i wouldnt suspect to be mabuhay class. (that's cc being super-bitchy) and everybody helps themselves to the snacks, coffee and sodas.

with free wifi, im easy to please. however, no one in sight is making this stay worthwhile for my need for aesthetics. gosh, nobody even within the age range i like. it's a slow sunday.

did i ever tell you about my encounter in a plane? this was years ago, on a trip to davao. it actually started at the terminal, waiting for the flight. i already saw him, eyed him as we were both at the newspaper cum magazine stand. i couldnt help but stare at the bulge of his tight jeans. he wasnt such a looker but he was... enough. we got to chat as he would casually brush his hand against that bulge, that bulge which was still growing. i was almost hyperventilating.

just my luck, we were on the same flight. but on the plane, we were seated in different rows so i could only just 'admire' at that bulge from afar. hihi.

but luck would have it that the seat beside him was vacant. and after take-off (pag di na nakasindi ang babala ng sinturon ng kaligtasan), i changed seats. more chit chat because it was still meal time.

it was during the 'we will now dim the cabin lights. those who wish to read can avail of the reading lights on the seat panel. thank you." it was groping time. good grief. that was a major boner. but we didnt really dare take it out. it was enough to just grab and squeeze the monster. we couldnt wait to get off the plane. (no way were we gonna try for the mile high club. the flight was too short. flight attendants were all over the place)

we met up in the rest room after 'deplaning and checking for items that may have been left behind in the stowage bins above you.' cubicle in that dingy terminal provided us with the venue to consummate. time-pressured (my sundo was waiting for me), he was the only one quick enough to 'release'.

then it was a hurried good-bye, handwash and pick up of baggage. no number exchanges. (di pa uso cell phone nun. hehehe)

airfare: P6,000+++
quicky with huge dong: priceless

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

IJ Case 6: Aniku Sauna, Taipei

Aniku Sauna supposedly just opened, a few weeks ago. My new-found taiwanese friends were raving about it. a must-see!

so i did. i had quite a hard time looking for it, though. primarily because of the little English of those who knew the place. but my instincts (my smell) led me to the place.

the walk leading up to the entrance was already impressive. concrete slabs on grass with bamboo fence and mood lights... a red paper lantern at the corner of the street tells you that you're in the right place.

you descend a staircase into a reception, manned by cute taiwanese in singlets and pekpek shorts. they hardly spoke english, though. they were on introductory promo NT$560 buy one take one! and less NT$60 if you bring your gym ID. you put your shoes in a plastic bag and put all of your stuff in a bigger bag before you even step inside.

you are led to nice steel lockers, quite well lit and very, very clean. you find your way to the jacuzzis, two of them, facing the open showers, entrances to the dry & steam saunas. there is a more secluded shower area.

from there you can go to the spacious room maze, with enough lighting to let you see the people around. and the corridors are wide. no unnecessary bumping into people going around. very well designed. you can just use any of the rooms.

the maze also leads out to other areas like a reading corner, a bigger video room and dining lounge. three internet stations and a smoking room in the area that's pretty well lit.

very clean. definitely the best that ive seen EVER. beats towel club hk. big and spacious.

i went there on a thursday night, which i deemed quite slow. there were two nice looking guys. unfortunately, both of them werent into me. sigh. one was really hot... great bod, great butt!!!! but he wasnt entertaining my glances. curiously though, he wasnt also getting any takers.

this place is a must-go if you are visiting taipei...

Monday, November 3, 2008

taipei type ko

i stayed for four days in the taiwan capital. the climate was almost identical to manila (translation: mainit rin). but it wasnt raining in the afternoons like what we have here.

it is cosmopolitan, a chinese city built/modernized by japanese during their occupation (at least according to my sources). they have their subways and their high-end department stores (sogo), much like hong kong. however, unlike manila, no gigantic malls.

most of the guys are quite plain looking. i didnt see stand outs walking around when i arrived. (i was expecting at least some good looking chaps in the hotel).

i didnt do my usual 'research' into the gay subculture of taipei. (i did that in all my previous trips). i didnt think id have the time. but a friend emailed a taiwanese friend about my arrival. he, david, begged off because he was supposed to be in korea.

i was pleasantly surprised to get a text message from david asking if we could meet up! so on my second night, i got my tour: taste of pink taipei!

he first took me to some cruising areas, famous a few years back with the locals. (now supplanted by internet eb's). most are the parks that remain open till the wee hours. and surprisingly, the police dont seem to mind. no arrests made. but one still had to be careful. a few straights go there to harass hapless gays. i was told of the huge football field that was one major cruising area.

then he showed me the location of the gay area in the west side. they have this redhouse square, a row of pink bars with a huge al fresco area. it's malate meets greenbelt, purely pedestrian traffic here. we had a drinks there, joined by his friends.

not a lot of taiwanese speak english. though they learn the language early in school. but the younger ones strive to learn and are eager to practice. so they welcome english-speaking foreigners (and that also earns points).

it was only in the gay area i started to see gorgeous taiwanese, some buff ones. a lot of cute F4 types. (yes, dao men su (?) is gay) and there was a growing market for bears. (great! less pressure to build those abs)

the group insisted i visit the latest bath house there. and i did. but that's a separate post.

the following night, i met up with david's friends. david couldnt make it due to pressing matters. we met at funky bar. before 11pm, the bar is karaoke. then it becomes a dance club.

more cute taiwanese (but nobody who was truly outstanding). very young crowd. the music sounded more like japanese pop-dance than canto-pop. the group introduced me to different guys. some of them quite cute. but i still went home alone.

i like taipei. the people are nicer than chinese in hong kong or beijing (methinks). they are very tolerant of the gay lifestyle. and there are many pink entertainment choices. i will be back. its just 1hr 40mins away!

p.s. did i mention that david is just so gorgeous? too bad the guy has a boyfriend of 7 years.